Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Metaphor and Fortress - New programming Languages

Advances in programming languages from Assembly, C, C++ to C# or Java absorbed the complexities of programming. However, modern software development is not just programming. Lot of work happens outside the programming. Dr. Alan Perlis a prominent US Computer scientist said that “A good programming language is a conceptual universe for thinking about programming.” Metaphor is such a next Generation Language by Victoria Livschitz of Sun Microsystems.

Features of Metaphor

Following are the Four Features of the Metaphor Language

  1. Distributed Runtime Environment

  2. Contextual Programming

  3. Support for autonomous executable entities

  4. Support for Software evolution and re-use
To find out more about this, read more in my blog Java and Technology / Metaphor and Fortress – New Programming Languages

    Friday, December 02, 2005

    The Future of the Brain

    Picower Institute for Learning and Memory held a major scientific symposium entitled “The Future of the Brain” on December 1st , 2005. The symposium focused on the future of neuroscience research. MIT president Susan Hockfield opened the days discussion.
    The morning session featured talks by five Nobel Laureates including Susumu Tonegawa, Director of Picower Institute, and James D Watson. The afternoon session entitled “Change your mind” focused on the impact of Neuroscience of learning and memory on human health. The second session in the afternoon entitled “Expand your Mind” looked at the relationship between the human brain and mind.

    To find out more about this, read more in my blog The Conscious Mind / The Future of the Brain

    Monday, November 07, 2005

    3 Players, 2 Visions and 1 Destination

    3 Players
    Microsoft, Sun, Google
    2 Visions
    Microsoft – A Desktop (Computer) in every home.
    Sun Microsystems – Network is the Computer
    Microsoft’s vision of ‘A Desktop in every home’ has helped the spread of internet and its economy which is considered around $100 billion dollars (The Search by John Battelle). This indirectly helped to realize the vision of Sun Microsystems ‘Network is the computer’. Sun Microsystem's Java platform, fast tracked the internet software development (Web site / portal development using Java technologies like servlets, enterprise java beans etc) which helped the normal users to get more value out of internet and letting it being part of their daily life.
    Most of the computing for the common person revolves around the web browser and it became the interface to giant network (or should we say the Computer) called internet.

    What did Google do over here?
    To find out more about this, read more in my new blog Java and Technology / 3 Players, 2 Visions and 1 Destination

    Saturday, November 05, 2005

    Neuroscientists break code on sight

    By Cathryn M. Delude, MIT News Office Correspondent, November 3, 2005

    In the sci-fi movie "The Matrix," a cable running from a computer into Neo's brain writes in visual perceptions, and Neo's brain can manipulate the computer-created world. In reality, scientists cannot interact directly with the brain because they do not understand enough about how it codes and decodes information.

    To find out more about this, read more in my blog
    The Conscious Mind / Neuroscientists break code on sight

    Sunday, October 16, 2005

    Consciousness and Mathematics

    What makes us different from other species (birds, animals, insects, fish etc)?

    Is it the look and feel or the intelligence or the ability to adapt the environment to suite our needs rather than adapting to the environment?

    The answer lies in one single word.
    To find out more about this, read more in my blog The Conscious Mind / Consciousness and Mathematics

    Thursday, October 13, 2005

    10th Planet - UB313

    Astronomers discovered the 10th Planet of our Solar System. Neptune was discovered in 1846 and Pluto in 1930. Astronomers named this object UB313 (granted automatically according to the IAU – International Astronomical Union’s naming protocols for minor planets) which is larger than Pluto and has a moon.

    To find out more about this, read more in my blog
    Particle Physics / 10th Planet – UB313

    Tuesday, October 04, 2005

    Land of Straight Lines and Beginning of Time

    The Land of Straight lines.

    There is a strange planet called straightnet somewhere in the Andromeda galaxy. So, what is so strange or special about it? The land (planet) is build upon objects with straight lines. Which means the planet is a big rectangular land. They play the soccer with a cubes and rugby with rectangular boxes instead of a spherical objects, their body, trees, roads, animals everything is build using straight lines.

    Now, try to ask straight-lander’s the following questions.

    1. How do you explain to them about something in spherical shape (soccer ball, volley ball etc)?
    2. Can they think about an object which does not have edges?
    3. How do you tell them there is a specific shape where you can’t specify the center of the object (on the surface)?

    To find out more about this, read more in my blog
    The Conscious Mind / Land of Straight lines and Beginning of Time

    Friday, September 30, 2005

    Physics 2005 - Celebrating 100 years

    Year 2005, celebrating the 100 years of Einstein’s miraculous year 1905. 100 years ago in the month of September 1905 Einstein gave the final equation to the world – The most famous equation E = mc².

    Here are the two complimentary lectures by Prof Richard Wolfson Ph.D, Middlebury College on Albert Einstein's miraculous year 1905 (presented by the Teaching Company).

    To find out more about this, read more in my blog Particle Physics / Physics 2005 – Celebrating 100 years

    Thursday, September 22, 2005

    How deep is the rabbit hole?

    Consider the following experiment

    Imagine your brain is hooked for a neural scan. An object is shown to you and the neural behavior is recorded. Then you are asked to remember the same object and the doctors recorded the neural behavior again.

    Now the most interesting case over here is, neural behaviors were same when you saw the object (using your eyes) and when you remembered the object (neural behavior will be same even if you remember it in your dreams).
    So, what is the role of eyes then? Why is the neural behavior same when the input came from two different sources?
    To find out more about this, read more in my blog The Conscious Mind / How deep is the rabbit hole?

    Thursday, September 08, 2005

    on God, Heaven & Hell

    On God, Creation & Science
    - I do not believe in the current concept of God and Creation.

    The theory of Big Bang was a big leap in understanding the origin of the universe. However, like the concept of God Created this universe, Big Bang theory produced another big question, what happened before Big Bang? One of the reason I liked the cyclic model instead of Big Bang in the standard model is the infinite big bang by the collision of two membranes (a scientific hypothesis now). This does not mean that the standard model is wrong. New hypothetical cyclic model is an extension of standard model. Extra dimensions and colliding universes are the by by-product of String theory which is gaining momentum in unifying the theory of relativity and quantum theory. I like to know internals on how and why rather than believe anything just by ‘faith’.

    - I do not believe that science and religion are on warpath (I mean does not have conflicts of interest).
    To find out more about this, read more in my blog The Conscious Mind / On God, Heaven and Hell

    Monday, September 05, 2005

    Niagara Falls, New York

    American Falls, Niagara, New York

    Scenic Drive - Pennsylvania Route 6

    If you are driving from New York, Connecticut or New Jersey the usual route is Route I-81 N and Route I-90 W.

    To find out more about this, read more in my blog
    My Travel / Niagara Falls, New York

    Wednesday, August 17, 2005

    Howe Caverns, New York

    255 Discovery Drive,Howes Cave, NY 12092

    Scenic Drive - Total 76+ miles (map)

    To find out more about this, read more in my blog
    My Travel / Howe Caverns, New York

    Monday, August 15, 2005

    Epilogue (The Journey)

    “The sun shinning bright, the shadows were small. The horses circled around him. They saw two marks on his foot”.
    Those marks were from the black cobra. The Cobra bit him. Now if you read the story (Blog - The Journey) carefully you will find the following three elements towards the end.

    To find out more about this, read more in my blog Arts and Literature / Epilogue (The Journey)

    Tuesday, August 02, 2005

    The Journey

    He searched for the roots of the heartfelt cry, wandering across the forest he found kids scared and lost. He gave them his food, and realized that their destination is not his. However, he decided to change his plans or his destiny. He felt guiding the kids, to their destination were his karma. He turned and took the narrow path through the thick herbs.
    The moment he took the first step, he felt something heavy on his shoulder, and the weight kept on increasing and it almost forced him onto his knees. Then he heard a voice. He does not know whether it came from his soul or from the darkness around him and he had a choice to make.
    To find out more about this, read more in my blog Arts and Literature / The Journey

    Sunday, May 15, 2005

    Friday, March 11, 2005

    Being on Top of the World

    How do you feel when you reach on top of the Mount Everest? You feel like you conquered the world isn’t it. Now consider the following scenarios.
    Once you are at the top, you feel excited and tired (at the same time) but you will have the satisfaction of achieving something extra ordinary.
    However, if you really look back and see what was more exciting?
    1. Being on top of the Mount Everest in freezing cold and all alone at the top.
    1. The stiff challenges it (Everest) thrown at you on your way up.
    To find out more about this, read more in my blog Arts and Literature / Being on Top of the World

    Saturday, February 05, 2005

    Getting closer to God Particle

    Peter Higgs a British physicist predicted the existence of Higgs particle in sixties to explain how matter has mass. His theory suggested that Higgs gives rise to a field through which all other sub atomic particles (fermions) such as quarks, electrons and force carrier particles (bosons) such as photons, gluons, W & Z bosons must pass. When they (particles) interact with the field, the particles experience a drag, the more the drag, the more massive the particle.
    The basic idea of all pervading Higgs field (which is carried by Higgs bosons) is an important part of the Standard Model of particles and forces, for it explains the masses of the carriers of the weak force, responsible for beta-decay1 and for nuclear reactions that fuel the Sun.
    Most of the matter (known) in the universe is composed of up quark, down quark and electron (up quark has 2/3 charge while down quark has -1/3 charge). Proton consists of 2 up quarks and 1 down quark while Neutron consists of 2 down quarks and 1 up quark. This is the 1st family of the fermions in the standard model.

    To find out more about this, read more in my blog Particle Physics / Getting closer to God Particle

    Monday, January 31, 2005

    Escape from the Universe

    The universe is destined to end. Before it does, could an advanced civilisation escape via a "wormhole" into a parallel universe? The idea seems like science fiction, but it is consistent with the laws of physics and biology. Here's how to do it ...

    The universe is out of control, in a runaway acceleration. Eventually all intelligent life will face the final doom—the big freeze. An advanced civilisation must embark on the ultimate journey: fleeing to a parallel universe.


    Wednesday, January 26, 2005

    President Kalam's mantra for national prosperity

    Following is an extract from the Indian President Kalam’s Republic Day speech echoing the same concerns I raised in the blog India in the year 2020
    The complete text of President A P J Abdul Kalam's address to the nation on the eve of the country's 56th Republic Day is available in this UR :
    To find out more about this, read more in my blog The Land of Vedas / Indian President Kalam’s mantra for national prosperity

    Friday, January 21, 2005

    India in the year 2020

    India's foreign reserve is around $131 (as of Jan-1, 2005) billion dollars. However, what is disturbing is our GDP and Labor force distribution.
    GDP1 (Gross Domestic Product) Distribution.
    - 25% is from Agriculture
    - 30% is from Industry (of which 19% is manufacturing)
    - 45% is from Services & Information Technology

    Labor Force: 470 million

    Labor Force Distribution

    - 60% Agriculture
    - 23% Industry
    - 17% Services & Information Technology
    To find out more about this, read more in my blog The Land of Vedas / India in the year 2020

    Thursday, January 06, 2005

    No Reply

    Here is something I wrote when I was in College.

    No Reply
    No reply for so long
    My heart sings a sad song.

    It’s the shear waiting
    Which makes me driving
    Out of my mind
    And makes my heart faint.
    I remember your tender kisses
    The feel of your hands, your caress
    But now no sense in dreaming
    Without you, my life has no meaning.
    To find out more about this, read more in my blog Arts and Literature / No Reply