Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Self, the Origin

The Self, the conscious mind (the soul from a spiritual outlook) - How did we get this? or what are the fundamental prerequisites for the birth of 'self'? Before I get deep into that, let me share some of the questions, which bothered me since my high school days.

1.     Why is our vision tuned to the light spectrum (and not radio waves, x-rays, or infrareds) of the electro-magnetic wave?
2.     Why do we think in a rational way?
3.     Why do we (humans) all look different (except the identical twins)?
4.     Why do we have just 5 senses and not 3 or 7?
5.     Why do we have our own identity? Why cannot I see/know what others think?

To find out more about this, read more in my blog The Conscious Mind / Self, The Origin

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

The hope

Today is a historic day not just for America but also for the whole world. Hope and the expectations from the new President elect Barack Obama will be enormous. We all hope he will make the CHANGE happen by rescuing the American economy (along with the Global economy) and change the global political landscape by bringing in peace and stability instead of blind aggression and wars.

Three years (in 2005) back I was sitting with one of my close friend in starbucks (Edison, NJ) sipping a hot  cappuccino and discussing about political landscape of two great democracies - USA the oldest democracy and India the largest democracy. India was ruled by Dr. Manmohan Singh, a Sikh Prime Minister, Dr APJ Abdul Kalam a Muslim President, a Christian (Sonia Gandhi) ruling party leader and L K Advani a Hindu opposition leader. Where can you expect something like that? Will America ever elect a woman or an African American as president? And we thought its going to take another 50 years for something like that to happen. How wrong we were.

To find out more about this, read more in my blog The Land of Vedas / The Hope 

Friday, October 10, 2008

Virgin birth - Its a shark this time.

RICHMOND, Virginia (AP) -- Scientists have confirmed the second case of a "virgin birth" in a shark. A blacktip shark in the wild patrols the vast expanse of the Indian Ocean. In a study reported Friday in the Journal of Fish Biology, scientists said DNA testing proved that a pup carried by a female blacktip shark in a Virginia aquarium contained no genetic material from a male.

The first documented case of asexual reproduction, or parthenogenesis, among sharks involved a pup born to a hammerhead at an Omaha, Nebraska, zoo. "This first case was no fluke," Demian Chapman, a shark scientist and lead author of the second study, said in a statement. "It is quite possible that this is something female sharks of many species can do on occasion."

The scientists cautioned that the rare asexual births should not be viewed as a possible solution to declining global shark populations. The aquarium sharks that reproduced without mates each carried only one pup, while some species can produce litters of a dozen or more.
"It is very unlikely that a small number of female survivors could build their numbers up very quickly by undergoing virgin birth," Chapman said.     read more ....

Related news

1. National Geographic -
2. BBC -
3. CNN -
4. Sunday Morning Herald, Australia -
5. New Scientist -
6. Nova -

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

CERN reiterates safety of LHC on eve of first beam

Geneva, 5 September 2008. A report published today in the peer reviewedJournal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics provides comprehensive evidence that safety fears about the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) are unfounded. The LHC is CERN’s new flagship research facility. As the world’s highest energy particle accelerator, it is poised to provide new insights into the mysteries of our universe.
Read more about the following
  • Cosmic Rays
  • Microscopic Black holes
  • Strangelets
  • Vaccum Bubbles
  • Magnetic Monopoles
Read more in my blog .. Particle and Astro Physics 

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The ultimate expirement

Ultimate experiment by the mankind - Spending more than 6 billion dollars, in search of answers on mysteries of the universe.
  1. Origin of the Universe
  2. God Particle (the particle that gives 'mass' to all other particles)
  3. Finding Graviton the force particle for Gravity - The mysterious force among the four
  4. Testing String Theory (M-Theory as its known now a days.
watch the video in my blog Particle and Astro Physics

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Wholeness - From Advaita Vedanta to Quantum Physics

Wholeness – From Advaita Vedanta to Quantum Physics
The concept of ‘Wholeness’ or ‘Oneness’ is more than 2000 years old, from Greek philosophers in the western civilization to the Vedic scholars in the eastern civilization. So, the debate over mind (Consciousness) and matter is not new. These concepts were broadly classified under Monism (in Greek ‘monos’ means single) and Dualism.

Monism and Dualism from Ancient Greek Philosophers
The term monism was first used by a German philosopher Christian Wolff (1679-1754) even though the philosophies dates back to Ancient Greek philosophers, and notable among them is Parmenides, who viewed matter and mind as a single entity. According to Monism the ultimate reality is made up of matter or mind (Consciousness) or a third substance or a combination of all.

In Hinduism Advaita Vedanta subscribes to Substantival Monism emphasizing the atomicity of the mind and the matter while in Buddhism all things are part of a connected world. Creationist philosophy supported the belief where God (Consciousness) and the creature (matter) is considered as two separate entities and God is the supreme and ‘Idealism’ is the only monism which is theologically acceptable.

To find out more about this, read more in my blog The Land of Vedas / Wholeness - From Advaita Vedanta to Quantum Physics